Welcome District 86 students and parents! This page provides you with an alphabetical listing of several informational resources regarding Joliet Public Schools District 86, as well as links to a variety of resources that parents and guardians may find helpful.

Addiction Recovery Information and Resources



Before and After School Child Care


Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

Calendar - 2023-2024 School Year

Cerebral Palsy Guide

CHAMPS - Safe and Civil Schools

Community Events

Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety

District Publications

Early Literacy

E-Learning Information for Students and Parents

Emergency School Closure Procedures

Get Connected! Internet Connectivity Resources

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Illinois KIDS Kindergarten Readiness Videos

Illinois Learning Standards by Grade Level

Illinois Mandated Units of Study

Job & Career Search Resources

Micro Food Pantry Map

Northern Illinois Food Bank

PTA Parents' Guide to Student Success

Safety & Security

Social/Emotional Learning

Student Health & School Nurse Information

Transitional Housing

Will County Health Department & Community Health Center

Homeless Liaison - Assistance for Homeless Students

There is a flyer in the office of each attendance center listing the rights and protections for school-aged youth under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act.

District 86 has a Homeless Liaison who can help you with enrollment issues and securing transportation, clothing, and school supplies as necessary for your child. You can contact Emily Redlich at 815-740-3196, Ext. 8245 or email her at Emily Redlich. Please feel free to contact her if you have a question or need assistance.

Please see The McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act resource webpage for more information.

Mental Health Support Resources




New Student Registration

Parents/guardians who wish to enroll a new student (i.e. Kindergarten student or a transferring student from a non-District 86 school) MUST accompany the child(ren) to school to complete their registration. The following items are required: birth certificate, physical examination and immunization record, and three (3) proofs of residency (see below). Students who attended another district in Illinois must provide a State Transfer Form indicating they were in good standing at the time they left. Students who do not live within the school attendance area cannot be admitted without authorization from the District Office. If help is needed in determining the school the child should attend, please call the Transportation Department at 815-740-3196 x8208 or x8276. For those families living in the Forest Park area, please call Student Services at 815-740-3196 x8239 for school assignment information. Students eligible for special education programs should register at their home school and then the building secretary will call the Division of Special Services while the parent is present to receive specific information regarding program and school assignments.  Click here to register online!

Pre-School Screening

Pre-School Screening Request

Joliet Public Schools District 86 would like to invite residents with children between the ages of 3-5 to participate in our preschool screenings during the school year. If you are interested in participating, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you live in Joliet Public Schools District 86?
  2. Is your child 3-5 years old?
  3. Do you have any concerns in the following areas:
  • Vision/Hearing
  • Speech and/or Language
  • Motor Skills
  • Cognitive Skills
  • Social Skills

If you answered yes to the above questions, please call (815) 725-1100.

This process is also used for entrance into the District 86 state funded at-risk preschool program. Families and children must qualify for this program.

Please bring the following information with you on the day of the screening:

  • Driver's License or State I.D.
  • Two proofs of residency (this could be current bills-telephone, water, gas, etc.)

Proof of Residency

When registering a student in a school, the parent or guardian must provide proof of residency by presenting three (3) of the following:

  • valid driver's license
  • utility bill receipt
  • rent or property tax receipt
  • voter registration card
  • bank statement
  • monthly credit card statement
  • lease or rental agreement
  • automobile insurance identification
  • homeowners/renters insurance statement
  • documents indicating intent to purchase a home

If a student lives with someone other than a parent or legal guardian (i.e. relatives) the person must demonstrate that they have legal custody of the student. Parents who live with relatives or friends will be asked for documented proof.

RTO Reduction Plan

In accordance with the requirements set forth in 105 ILCS 5/2-3.130 and Public Act 102-0339, each school district board must create an oversight team to develop district-specific plans that include procedures to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of physical restraint, time out, and isolated time out (RTO).

The progress shall be measured by the reduction of the overall number of incidents of those interventions and the total number of students subjected to those interventions.1 The plans must include specific actions set forth in legislation and shall align with the reduction goals set forth by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).

School Report Cards

Student Fees - Student fees to cover the cost of workbooks and instructional materials are as follows:

Elementary (grades K-5) $25.00
Junior High (grades 6-8) $45.00

Transferring for In-District Students
Students will be required to attend the school in the attendance area in which they reside. Students who do not live within the school attendance area cannot be admitted without authorization from the District Office.

Parents of special education students or those who receive special education services must contact the Student Services Department at 815-740-3196 regarding any requests for transfers.

All general education and special education students who are eligible to be bused by the District will begin on the first day of school. Parents will receive information regarding bus schedules prior to the first day of school. If parents do not receive a letter by three days prior to the first day, call our Transportation Department at 815-740-3196 x208 or x8276 for general education student. For special education students call 815-740-3196 x8247.

Transportation for District 86 students is provided by First Student Transportation. Their offices can be contacted at 815-724-0078.