Academic Enrichment
Academic Enrichment Program (AEP)
The Joliet Public Schools District 86 Academic Enrichment Program (AEP) is designed for fourth and fifth grade students and is incorporated within the Response to Intervention (RtI) model. The program is structured around inquiry learning using science focused lessons. To coincide with the RtI model, criterion has been established to determine a student’s eligibility for the program. The criterion is as follows:
- Review of student’s ISAT scores for reading and mathematics.
- Review of Discovery Education Assessment (DEA) Benchmark Assessments for reading and mathematics (student must score in the exceeds category in both areas at the third benchmark for 3rd grade).
- Grade point average of 3.5 with no grade below a B for each of the three quarters of 3rd grade.
- Less that 10 days of excused absences and less than five tardy days for the first three quarters of 3rd grade.
- Teacher recommendation.